Physical Exam & Spinal X-rays
Enables the doctor to diagnose the nature and cause of your pain or health challenge.
We will create a custom treatment plan and together, with you, execute that plan for optimum results.
Did you know that Chiropractic is the word’s largest non-drug healing profession? There are over 70,000 licensed Chiropractic doctors in the Unites States, serving over 1 million people per day!
Chiropractic works because it reduces stress on the nervous system, joints and muscles of the body.
Your quality of life is directly connected to your ability to have pain-free movement. Chiropractic can help you regain and maintain a healthy and pain-free active lifestyle!
Chiropractic adjustments are very safe. Chiro has helped millions of people on a daily basis reduce pain, restore healthy spine and extremity joint function, and prevent degenerative joint disease.
In addition, chiropractic reduces chronic stress on your nervous system, which has profound effects on your overall health potential.
Some common conditions we evaluate and help with include:
- Chronic stress
- Low back pain
- Neck pain
- Headaches
- Pinched nerves
- Disc injuries
- Arthritis
- Sports injuries
- Muscle spasms
- Stiffness
- Loss of joint motion
Come see and experience how chiropractic can improve your healthy and pain-free active lifestyle.
Business Hours
Mon & Wed: 8am-12pm & 3-7pm
Tues & Thurs: 12-6pm
Fri : 8am-2pm
Sat: By Appointment Only
Thorough assessment of health/pain complaints
Gentle, specific, and safe manual and instrument-assisted corrections of fixated and misaligned joints subluxation.
Helps restore pain-free range of motion!
*More information can be found at www.pettibonsystem.com and www.activator.com*
Mechanical Traction/Spinal Decompression
Targeted treatment of cervical/lumbar spinal joints to help reduce pinched nerves and disc bulges/herniations.
Soft Tissue Rehabilitation
A variety of manual and instrument-assisted modalities to restore healthy function back to injured muscles and connective tissues.
*Find more information at www.rapidreleasetech.com*
Posture Rehabilitation
Supports and exercises to promote balanced posture. We provide a comprehensive approach to relieve strain from prolonged sitting, standing, and sleeping.
Restoration of Lumbar & Cervical Curves
Postural Rehab Program
Spinal Traction Units
Therapeutic Exercise
Functional movement programs to help keep you strong and pain free
Provide progressive home exercises to stabilize joints and create a balanced and strong musculoskeletal system.
Programs for core strength
Full body rejuvenation programs
Specific programs to target your injured areas
Foot Levelers Patented Custom Orthotics
Weight-bearing foot scan to assess the integrity of the 3-arch system of each foot
Custom orthotics create a supportive, stable foundation for all activities.
Great for people who spend a lot of time on their feet
Reduces low back, knee, hip and other joint pains
Helps treat & prevent plantar fasciitis
Even if your feet don’t hurt, you may be experiencing:
- Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
- Iliotibial Band Syndrome
- Shin Splints
- Chondromalacia Patellae
- Hip Pain
- Ankle Problems
Euro Body Shaper Vibrational Therapy
Provides gentle vibrational exercise that gives most of the benefits of exercise without the grueling workout.
Reduces Joint Pain
Builds Bone Density & Fights Osteoporosis
Decreases Blood Pressure & Cortisol Levels
Increases Muscle Strength & Flexibility
Therapeutic taping technique which provides healthy sensory input to injured muscles and joints without hindering movement.
Improves pain-free range of motion
Reduces Swelling
Provides Support
Improves pain-free range of motion
*Find more information at www.kinesiotaping.com*
Chiropractic Articles
The Relationship Between Forward Head Posture and Neck Pain: A Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis
Is forward head posture (FHP) is associated with neck pain?
Holistic Healthcare: A Science Whose Time Has Come
Many people who have persistent musculoskeletal pain and other long-standing health challenges struggle to find lasting relief. Most are taking increasing quantities of medications to suppress their symptoms.
Lower Back Stability Program
Developing a stable lower back and strong core is important for all activities of daily living. The following program will help you achieve this goal and provide the foundation for the full body movement program.
Spinal Rehabilitation Program
Repair nerve damage, soft tissue damage, and restore pain-free range of motion. Length of time generally is 1 to 3 months 12 to 24 visits in office.