Categories: Chiropractic ♦ Nutrition ♦ Emotional Health ♦ Exercise
The Relationship Between Forward Head Posture and Neck Pain: A Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis
Is forward head posture (FHP) is associated with neck pain?
Low Glycemic Eating
Leading a low-glycemic impact lifestyle doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s a quick intro on how the gi of foods affects your metabolism and helps you burn fat.
21 Days to Cleanse
Call now to reserve your spot: 856-467-9600 or visit
The Green Monster
A revitalizing drink to aid in detoxification and build a diverse microbiome.
Microwave frequency electromagnetic fields produce neuropsychiatric effects including depression
Low intensity microwave EMFs have been proposed to produce neuropsychiatric effects, sometimes called microwave syndrome.
An Exercise Program To Improve Your Posture
Poor posture creates excessive stress to our joints and soft tissues. This can cause pain, stiffness, and arthritis. Improving and maintaining good posture reduces wear and tear on your body and can improve your quality of life. Unfortunately, due to our sedentary...
Daily Affirmations
Improve Your World in ONLY 5 Minutes a Day We are what we think, as our thoughts create our world. If you want change in your life, it begins by changing your thoughts. Use affirmation to program your subconscious mind and become the change you would like to see in...
Control Your Thoughts
Your Thoughts Shape Your World!! It seems that auto-pilot for our thoughts goes to something that is negative or causes us emotional pain. Train your brain to focus on positive, life-affirming thoughts! Here are 4 strategies to use throughout the day: Pray to God—for...
Holistic Healthcare: A Science Whose Time Has Come
Many people who have persistent musculoskeletal pain and other long-standing health challenges struggle to find lasting relief. Most are taking increasing quantities of medications to suppress their symptoms.
Lower Back Stability Program
Developing a stable lower back and strong core is important for all activities of daily living. The following program will help you achieve this goal and provide the foundation for the full body movement program.
Spinal Rehabilitation Program
Repair nerve damage, soft tissue damage, and restore pain-free range of motion. Length of time generally is 1 to 3 months 12 to 24 visits in office.
For Questions or to Schedule an Appointment