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Pisker Family Chiropractic & Wellness Center

1903 Kings Highway, NJ 08085

Serving Gloucester & Salem Counties, including Swedesboro, Woolwich Township, Mullica Hill, Harrison Township, Woodstown, Pilesgrove, Logan Township, Clarksboro, Mantua, West Deptford, Woodbury, Deptford, Sewell, Pennsville, Pedricktown, Pitman, Gibbstown, Washington Township, Carney’s Point.

Over 40 million Americans suffer with musculoskeletal pain.

Many are withdrawing from physical & social activities with family and friends

Let us help you…

Regain your healthy & pain-free active lifestyle

with our unique and effective multi-faceted approach:

chiropractic care showing human spine with pain pointsChiropractic Care

Spinal Decompression Therapy

Laser deviceLow-Level Laser Therapy

Woman running on road with trees in front of herAdvanced Muscle Integration Technique

Myo-Fascial Fitness  Program

Assortment of vegetables as seen from aboveNutritional Therapy

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Business Hours

      • Mon & Wed: 8am-12pm & 3-7pm
      • Tues & Thurs: 12-6pm
      • Fri : 8am-2pm
      • Sat: By Appointment Only

♦ Life is too short to live with pain!

Pain often interferes with your daily activities and reduces your quality of life.

♦ Being in pain can have negative consequences on your mental health, employment status, sleep, and personal relationships.


Do you suffer from any of the following conditions?

Illustration showing inflamed areas on the body

Our goal is to identify and correct the root cause of your pain and stiffness.

Stop masking your pain with drugs! Let us help you identify and correct the root cause(s) of your problem.


YOU can regain your pain-free active lifestyle!

Get back to enjoying your favorite activities with family and friends!

Take care of your body—it’s the only one you get!

Our Powerful Multi-Faceted Approach


Spinal Decompression Therapy

Low Level Laser Therapy

Advanced Muscle Integration Technique

Myo-Fascial Fitness Program


will get you off the sidelines and back into the game of life.

Get out of pain

Resume your active lifestyle

Improve your quality of life

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I have discovered the secret to pain free movement.

  • You no longer have to live a life of chronic pain and weakness.
  • Voted “Best of Gloucester County”
  • Providing cutting edge treatment for adults and children.

Business Hours

  • Mon & Wed: 8am-12pm & 3-7pm
  • Tues & Thurs: 12-6pm
  • Friday: 8am-2pm
  • Saturday: By Appointment Only
Look at what others are saying about our services:
  • “I am a long distance (ultra-marathon) runner and had chronic hamstring pain. I received AMIT treatments and feel so much better now. Highly recommended!” –Julia L.
  • “I had a pinched nerve in my neck. I tried to brush it off, but it only got worse. Finally, I made an appointment with Dr. Pisker and was so thankful I did. I had tried everything to help my neck (medicine and massage) and nothing was working until I saw the Dr. He and his staff were super friendly and helpful. Within a few visits I started feeling better. After about a week, it was like I never had a pinched nerve. Not only did he help my neck, but he also informed me on other issues I could face in the long run and how to help prevent them. I’m so glad I made this appointment! I feel great! Thanks Dr. Pisker!” -Rachael G.
  • “I just got a Personal Record at my 5th Broad Street 10 Mile Run thanks to Dr. Pisker! The regular adjustments, KT tape applied to my knees pre-race, and Lung Support plus other supplements he prescribed this past Winter all combined to create a comfortable and fast race pace- I beat my previous times by almost 15 minutes!” -Karen P.
  • “I found Dr. Pisker when looking to find relief for sciatica. Not only has he resolved that issue but also migraines that I have struggled with for years. I had been taking different prescription preventatives for years that somewhat lessened my migraines but didn’t eliminate them. Dr. Pisker studied my nutrition and was able to identify things that my body doesn’t respond well to. I have been able to eliminate certain things from my diet and subsequently eliminate my debilitating migraines.” -Jennifer L.
  • “I had severe pain with numbness in both hands. My doctor recommended surgery to correct the Carpal Tunnel. After one month of laser treatments, I’m over 90% better without surgery!” -John Z.
  • “I took Dr. Pisker’s Nutrition Program & I highly recommend it if you have any problems. I had a chronic cough for 15 years all the time & Physicians could not fine the problem. After taking Dr Pisker’s Nutrition Program, I have been cough free for 2 years.” -Joy F.
  • “For 20 years I had no movement or turning of my head to the right. I had a torn brachial plexis and many herniated discs. I visited many doctors who prescribed many medications, pain patches, rehab and orthotics. Then I visited Pisker Family Chiropractic. I CAN MOVE NOW!! I can move my head right and left. I physically feel better than I have in years. I would recommend Dr. Pisker to anyone who anyone with back and neck discomforts.” -Diana
  • “Dr. Pisker took a long time examining and treating me, and he was very thorough! He did various treatments methods (Advanced Muscle Integration Technique, nutritional testing, chiropractic, etc.) and even found the illness I’ve suspected that I had. After just 3 days of treatments, I can climb up the stairs without pain and holding onto railings. He is also incredibly nice and kind! He even drove me to Philadelphia so I can catch an earlier bus back to New York! Thank you, Dr. Pisker! Even though it took me so many hours to get there by public transportation from New York, I’m sure I will be back.” -Almond M.
  • “Dr. Pisker is great and listens to all your concerns. He is extremely knowledgeable and definitely knows what he is doing. He always asks you during every treatment session how you’re feeling and will target muscles according to your response. I have been in severe chronic pain for close to 4 years and have seen by more than a handful of specialists, all of whom did not know what was causing me to be in pain, nor how to cease it. Prior to meeting Dr. Pisker I had completed 3 rounds of physical therapy, which alleviated the pain for a day or two but did not cease it. My last option was to see a chiropractor in terms of specialties. I have to say, I am so grateful for Dr. Pisker because he was able to cease the pain I have been experiencing. I am now also able to do activities that I had to put on hold for the past 4 years. Dr. Pisker has really turned my life around, I highly recommend him!” -R.B

Regain your pain-free active lifestyle

It is very easy to get started!


Schedule an appointment

Allows us to find out the problems you want to solve


Comprehensive exam

Enables us to determine the nature and cause of your pain/health complaint


A treatment plan is developed

This gives us a road map to follow for optimum results


Execute the plan

You regain your pain-free active lifestyle

Explanatory Statement

Injuries, dehydration, slumped postures, scar tissue, sedentary lifestyles, and aging result in tightening the body’s connective tissues. This adaptive shortening of the fascia restricts movement, reduces nourishment to the cells of your body and causes inflammation and pain. If the fascial system is not rejuvenated through targeted treatment and movement you will develop ongoing stiffness, resulting in arthritis and chronic pain. This problem will progress until your quality of life is severely affected. 

Taking pain and anti-inflammatory drugs to treat your pain is counter-productive on many fronts. We will help you identify and correct the root causes of your painful back and body so you can lead a pain-free and active lifestyle. Don’t Delay Call Today!


  • Low Back Pain
  • Headaches
  • Neck Pain & Stiffness
  • Tendonitis
  • Herniated/Bulging Discs
  • Mid/Upper Back Pain
  • Arthritis
  • Spine Injuries/Whiplash from Auto Accidents
  • Sports Injuries to Shoulders, Knees, Elbows & Chronic Sprained Ankles
  • Tight, Spastic Muscles
  • Pinched Nerves
  • Hip Pain
  • Poor Posture Problems

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About Dr. Pisker

Dr. Pisker headshot

Dr. Pisker is passionate about restoring pain free health in his patients. He works tirelessly to develop custom programs that address physical and nutritional imbalances for his patients.

Dr. Pisker is a Magna Cum Laude graduate from Los Angeles College of Chiropractic. He is the only doctor certified in AMIT on the East Coast. This revolutionary sports medicine technique was used with the NBA’s Utah Jazz for 28 years. It is a powerful technique to restore pain-free range of motion, prevent future injuries, and enhance athletic performance.

Dr. P is also certified in spinal trauma and whiplash injuries from automobile accidents utilizing specialized spinal adjusting techniques, and postural rehabilitation. He is always studying ways to improve outcomes and enhance overall health so you can live a healthy and pain-free active lifestyle.

Dr Pisker has extensive training in nutritional therapy and is a highly trained professional in Autonomic Response Testing, Quantum Reflex Analysis and Dietary Management for health and healing. He focuses on Digestive Health, Metabolic Health, Detoxification and Inflammatory Reduction to support his patient’s health. He teaches his patients Practical Strategies to support a pain free, healthy lifestyle. 

If you are looking for a Doctor who really cares and is passionate about helping you, then make an appointment and see your health improve.

Dr Pisker has developed a transformative exercise program that requires no equipment or gym membership. The exercises can be performed at home with 99% of the movements executed while standing.

 This Myo-Fascial Fitness Program combines the principles of dynamic tension, isometrics, and yoga. The exercises are performed in various planes of movement including sagittal, coronal, transverse and diagonal. The goal of the exercise program is to decompress the body and rejuvenate the fascia, ligaments and tendons. Over time you will experience pain free movement, improved energy and create a resilient yet strong fascial network that will improve your posture and prevent injury. These exercises are excellent for all ages and are fantastic for improving athletic performance in all fields. The Myofascial Fitness Program conditions the entire body with emphasis on the spine and core of the body. There are beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of exercise. Come experience the freedom of pain free movement! I look forward to helping you and your family. 


Dr Stephen A Pisker DC


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Serving Gloucester & Salem Counties, including Swedesboro, Woolwich Township, Mullica Hill, Harrison Township, Woodstown, Pilesgrove, Logan Township, Clarksboro, Mantua, West Deptford, Woodbury, Deptford, Sewell, Pennsville, Pedricktown, Pitman, Gibbstown, Washington Township, Carney’s Point.